Who We Are

Christ Lutheran Church is a community of people of all ages, some new to the faith, some with questions, and some that have a lifetime of Christian faith. All people are welcome, no matter what stage of faith you are in.

We recognize that we are all broken people in need of a Savior. We learn and worship together the God of unlimited grace who out of love, gave his son, Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and was resurrected so that we can live freely forgiven.

Our Christian faith is a journey and we support each other as we deepen our faith as Jesus-followers. Bible study, youth education, community service, sharing the Good News of Jesus, and participation in worship, are ways the Holy Spirit transforms lives and faith.

Because God loves us so much and loved us first, we respond by giving ourselves, our talents, and our finances back to God.

Each of us are ministers, or as Martin Luther said, the priesthood of all believers. We minister by helping our neighbor close by and our brothers and sisters in Christ across the world. We pray, visit, give financial support to local and world missions, teach God’s love and grace, and come together to glorify God through worship and projects.  “The Light of Christ is central to all we are and to all we do!”