
Care Groups

Care Groups are volunteer groups that enhance worship and strengthen community. Volunteer opportunities include courtesy car driver, greeter, usher, lector, communion server, and coffee server. There are many other volunteer possibilities including behind the scenes options of sound and video, communion preparation, and altar guild. Musical talents are employed in choirs and praise team.


Confirmation is middle school youth and their parents learning together in interactive lessons. Learning is focused on God and Christianity, using the Bible and the catechism through a Lutheran lens based on the writings of the founder of the Lutheran Church and Christian reformer, Martin Luther.


Grief Support Group

Grief Support Group is an open to the community support group that meets monthly for those that have suffered death of a loved one. Meetings start with a question or devotion and continue unstructured so that you can share or listen as needed.


Our library has a wide genre of books, CDs, and DVDs available to borrow. Children’s books, theology and devotional, as well as teaching materials and more, are available for your education and entertainment. Board members maintain inventory and the checkout system.



WELCA (Women of the ELCA) is an organization of Christ Lutheran women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Missions is our main task, and done abundantly. We share God's word and our love through monthly meetings, Bible study, prayer chains, quilting, and association with local and national Christian women’s groups.

Sunday School

Sunday School is children age four to sixth grade learning the wonder and love of God’s unconditional grace. Class is on Sunday mornings after worship following the school year schedule. Children of all ages are encouraged to attend church with adults as they also learn during the children’s message each Sunday.



To learn more about our groups or volunteer opportunities, contact our secretary's office at or (507) 275-3111.