We will feature several “Videos from Our Pastor” right here. To watch worship services and additional video resources, please visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

What is the New Perspective on Paul?

“Theology in Ten” #6

February 11, 2024

Pastor Chuck discusses how different understandings of the Apostle Paul and his writings emerged at the time of Martin Luther versus how a “new” understanding may be closer to how Paul really saw things. One aspect of this relates to the question “Can we save ourselves?”

What if I Doubt God?

“Theology in Ten” #5

February 1, 2024

Pastor Chuck discusses how doubt is not opposed to – but is a part of – one's faith journey.

Isn’t That “Too Catholic”?

“Theology in Ten” #4

January 24, 2024

Why do some Lutheran churches use incense? Isn’t that a “Catholic thing”?

Should Children Receive Communion?

“Theology in Ten” #3

November 1, 2023

In this episode of “Theology in Ten,” Pastor Chuck explains why some churches offer Holy Communion to children – even infants. (And what Martin Luther thought about it!)

Who Created God?

Asked by a Sunday School Student

“Theology in Ten” #2

October 24, 2023

A fourth grade Sunday School student asks a BIG question, “Who created God?” What was there before God created the universe?

Can One Lose Their Salvation?

“Theology in Ten” #1

October 17, 2023

Can a believer "lose their salvation?" Pastor Chuck answers from a Lutheran perspective.

Introducing “Theology in Ten”

September 20, 2023

Watch this brief video as Pastor Chuck introduces his new video series, “Theology in Ten.” Every two or three weeks he will offer a 10-minute video in which he answers your confidential questions and explores topics which you would like to know more about – especially those which may be helpful in your everyday life.

• Send your questions or topics to him at the theologyinten@gmail.com email address.

• And go to his new YouTube channel for these videos. Search YouTube for “Theology in Ten,” then like and subscribe to that channel so you never miss an episode. The videos will also be posted here.

• Thank you, Pastor Chuck, for this exciting new opportunity.

Rally Day & Visioning Session on September 10

August 23, 2023

Pastor Chuck discusses expanding our Rally Day to include all of us “rallying together” to focus on our views and dreams of Christ Lutheran Church today, tomorrow, and into the future. What ministry is the Holy Spirit calling us towards? How can we pool our hopes and ideas? Join us on September 10.

Back-to-School Greeting

August 22, 2023

Pastor Chuck has greetings for parents and students on this the first day back to school in Hendricks.

Holy Week Greeting – Good Friday

April 7, 2023

Pastor Chuck offers Holy Week greetings on this Good Friday. All are invited to join us in evening worship – in person or virtually – and to experience the journey to the Cross with our Lord.

Holy Week Greeting – Holy Wednesday

April 5, 2023

Pastor Chuck Shingledecker brings the first of his special messages for Holy Week 2023. He reflects on Holy Wednesday, welcoming anyone and everyone to our 6:30pm service which will include anointing with oil (James 5:14-15) as a sign of God’s healing presence in our lives.

Midweek with Pastor Chuck

For January 12, 2023

Pastor Chuck Shingledecker welcomes the New Year and looks ahead to several exciting things coming up at Christ Lutheran.

Midweek with Pastor Chuck

For December 15, 2022

Pastor Chuck Shingledecker greets us in the middle of a snowstorm to wish us well as we near the end of Advent and prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord at Christmas.

Midweek with Pastor Chuck

For October 26, 2022

Pastor Chuck brings his greetings and looks ahead to Reformation Sunday (October 30) and the debut of our new video system which will include our worship services LIVE on our Facebook page:


Midweek with Pastor Chuck

For September 14, 2022

Pastor Chuck discusses how the parable of the Lost Sheep demonstrates that we, as followers of Jesus, have no right to exclude anyone from God’s Kingdom or from our churches.